In 1st of May YSSF awarded the Top 10 essay writers of the essay contest titled 'Mom I won't be late'.It's proper to state that the contest was held by the help of Adrine Bandaryan, the chairperson of our sister organization YSF, and this is not the first time.
Our partner 'Ochro Ochroyan Library' especially the director Susanna Karapetyan, also made a surprise for our essay writers, the library will sponsor one of our best essays to be published in a youth telegram. Our Special guest was Tamara Sargsyan, the Vice-Dean of the faculty of Designe in National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, PhD in Technical Science and Academic Advisor.
Our contest winner was Sargis Melkonyan, from village Agarak,Aragatsotn Region, who came with his mother. Sargis has been writing for a long time, and even had a published book named 'Deciduous Perpetuity' , and he presented several to our school.
According to our contest rules, the winner would have the opportunity to choose any restaurant, where he would go with hia mother and had a good time.
Sargis and his mother had a surprise for us, they had decided to invite all the Top 10 essay writers to pass that evening together, and share it with them.
We are grateful to YSF for making possible such contests in Armenia, so discovering and finding out talented youth.
Such contests are to be continued.
YSSF the art of being the best together!
2016թ-ի մայիսի 1-ին Պետական Գործիչների Երիտասարդական Դպրոցը պարգևատրեց «Մայրիկ, ես չեմ ուշանա...» շարադրության մրցույթի լավագույն 10 աշխատանքների հեղինակներին: Հիշեցնենք, որ մրցույթն իրականացվում էր Լոս Անջելեսի մեր քույր կազմակերպության ատենապետուհի Ադրինե Բանդարյանի հովանավորությամբ, ում շնորհիվ երիտասարդներն արդեն 2-րդ անգամն են նման հնարավորություն ստանում աչքի ընկնել իրենց գիտելիքներով:
Կարդալ »»»