Call for Applications: 2012-13 Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP)
16 Մայիսի 2012 // Պետական Գործիչների Երիտասարդական Դպրոց
Call for Applications: 2012-13 Junior Faculty Development Program ( JFDP )
Junior Faculty Development Program ( JFDP) Fellowship Opportunity for University Faculty – Application due June 18, 2012. The American Councils of International Education: ACTR/ACCELS (American Councils) is pleased to announce the open competition for the Junior Faculty Development Program ( JFDP ) for the 2013 spring semester. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Junior Faculty Development Program provides university instructors with a semester-long opportunity to expand their knowledge and expertise in their academic field by attending classes and working with faculty members at universities in the United States. Individuals may apply for fields in the humanities and social sciences. The competition is open to citizens from ARMENIA , Albania , Azerbaijan , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Croatia , Georgia , Kazakhstan , Kosovo , Kyrgyzstan , Macedonia , Montenegro , Serbia , Tajikistan , and Turkmenistan . To qualify for a JFDP Fellowship, an applicant must:
Each JFDP Fellow will spend a total of five months (January-May 2013) in the United States . American Councils is responsible for placing Fellows at U.S. host universities and for providing logistical support for the Fellows throughout their stay in the United States . The JFDP Fellowship provides round-trip international and domestic transportation, medical insurance, monthly stipends, and a professional development fund. In addition, ECA and American Councils sponsor events and activities for JFDP alumni after they return to their home countries. Additional information, including the 2012-2013 calendar, academic field descriptions, a list of frequently asked questions, and information about past program participants and host institutions can be found at the JFDP and American Councils websites: TO APPLY: JFDP applications may now be downloaded as a print version at the JFDP and American Councils websites. The downloaded print version of the application must be submitted to the American Councils representative office in the applicant’s country of citizenship by the noted deadline to be eligible for the competition. For questions about the program or application process, contact American Councils Armenia office ( APPLICATION DEADLINE: 17:00 pm, June 18, 2012 |